health coaching, lymphatic therapies, IMAET biofeedback

IMAET, How It Works

In January of this year, I purchased the IMAET biofeedback technology and have been seeing some pretty amazing results both with my clients and loved ones in helping them heal from chronic and acute illness and conditions.

The idea that we are all energetic beings and emit and receive frequencies constantly throughout the day can be confusing to some. I know it was for me when I started learning more about biofeedback and I continue to read and research more on this as much as I can. I came across some information that I wanted to share to help you better understand this concept of “invisible and immeasurable fields” that we are made up of and that surround us.

This is a YouTube video published by the developer of the IMAET Biofeedback Technology, which is a pretty good explanation in laymen’s terms.

I also follow the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute (BRMI) on my Podcast app as well as LinkedIn and came across this great article on Bioresonance Therapy. I think it also gives a great description on how healing using energetic frequencies works and can be so beneficial especially for those dealing with chronic health conditions.

Let me know if have any questions or would like to chat more about this amazing new technology. You can book your initial consultation and treatment here.