health coaching, lymphatic therapies, IMAET biofeedback

Help People Heal Themselves by Themselves
Health Coaches are giving the power back to the client so that the clients can help themselves, heal themselves, and get to be their healthiest version, so that their power remains within and then they can sustain and generate more power as time goes on.

What is a Health Coach?

A Health Coach is a wellness professional whose main role is to guide clients to reach their health and wellness goals, whether that’s sleeping better, boosting energy, weight loss, stress management, and so much more. Health Coaches create a safe space for their clients to explore their health, facilitating behavior and lifestyle change that can be sustained for the long-term.Using their nutrition, holistic health and coaching education, Health Coaches help their clients discover which foods and lifestyle choices make them feel best. Most importantly, Health Coaches take a holistic approach to health, focusing not just on food, but also all the other areas of life that can support and nourish overall health, such as career, spirituality, relationships, and environment (which we call “Primary Foods”). Health Coaches play a pivotal role in the greater healthcare team, filling the void that is often left by doctors who don’t necessarily have time to provide nutrition and coaching guidance.  Through our holistic approach to wellness, you will be empowered to tap into your innate wisdom to live a life you love.
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Benefits of Health Coaching

Health coaching offers a range of benefits aimed at promoting and enhancing individual wellbeing. Some of these benefits include:

1. Personalized Guidance: Health coaches work closely with individuals to create personalized plans that cater to their unique needs, preferences, and goals.

2. Behavioral Change: Health coaching focuses on helping individuals make positive changes in their behaviors, such as adopting healthier eating habits, becoming more physically active, managing stress, and improving sleep.

3. Accountability: Coaches provide accountability and support to help individuals stay motivated and committed to their health goals, reducing the likelihood of falling back into old habits.

4. Goal Setting: Coaches assist individuals in setting realistic and achievable health goals, breaking them down into manageable steps for better success.

5. Lifestyle Modification: Health coaching encourages long-term lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes, fostering sustainable improvements in overall health and well-being.

6. Empowerment: Through education and guidance, health coaches empower individuals to take control of their health and make informed decisions.

7. Holistic Approach: Health coaches often take a holistic approach, addressing various aspects of wellbeing, including physical, mental, emotional, and social health.

8. Self-Awareness: Coaches help individuals develop greater self-awareness about their behaviors, triggers, and patterns, enabling them to make conscious choices.

9. Positive Mindset: Health coaching fosters a positive mindset by focusing on achievements, progress, and small victories along the journey to improved health.

10. Supportive Relationship: The coach-client relationship offers a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to discuss their challenges, seek advice, and receive encouragement.

11. Long-Term Success: Health coaching emphasizes sustainable changes, leading to lasting improvements in health and quality of life.