health coaching, lymphatic therapies, IMAET biofeedback


Client Testimonial:

“As someone who used to have sludge instead of lymph fluid, this topic is near and dear to my heart! It took years of visiting various docs and alternative health practitioners before someone mentioned lymph flow to me, and I’m so very glad that I dug in and figured this out. I had done a lot of deep detox work for my digestive system, but I plateaued in reclaiming my health until I really prioritized the lymphatic system.

I went from being puffy, in pain, stiff, sluggish, foggy, and overweight to feeling lighter, clearer, and more like myself again.

I hope these tips help you too!”

FLOWpresso has been seen to….

  • Promote relaxation
  • Improve energy
  • Support stress management
  • Improve recovery time and endurance in health and sport
  • Promote sleep management, which may help when living with anxiety, chronic fatigue, stress-associated conditions
  • Improve general mobility
  • Promote weight loss
  • Relieve fatigue and heaviness in the arms/legs
  • Improve health and well-being
  • Many more…

How it works...

FLOWpresso® is a breakthrough non-invasive therapy that delivers a 3-in-1 sensory treatment with nano vibrational therapy (NVT), via an innovative bodysuit. FLOWpresso® helps to restore the natural biological balance allowing you to repair, recover and rejuvenate, enhancing your mental and physical well-being.

The advancement to such technology is through the consideration of the lymphatic system as a whole system, providing a complete body therapy. It consists of individual air pressure pieces that are applied to separate parts of the body which are designed to remove excess fluids in the tissue without damaging the circulation and lymphatic pathways.

Within the air pressure pieces are individual chambers that are inflated sequentially so that each one inflates before its predecessor has been completely deflated allowing the fluid to be moved upwards without any breaks, consequently avoiding flowback. The velcro fastening of each piece ensures perfect adherence, providing the ability to adjust to difference sizes and shapes.

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